Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Open Forum September 30th

Please click on comment and add your questions here for the open forum September 30th - the youth (hopefully) will be able to respond to our questions ....


  1. What is the most common drug besides alcohol?

  2. i would have to go with tobacco with teens. it's easily attainable if you have a friend that's 18 years old, so: chew and cigarettes.

  3. How familiar are you with Meth? Do you know what it is? How common is it among teens? Do you know anyone who uses?

  4. I wouldn't say that I'm too familiar with it: I only know waht i learned about it in dare and in a book i read once involving meth, i would say it's less common among teens as other drugs like weed or coke, and i can't say that i personally know of anyone who uses it.

  5. I believe that meth is more common among teens' parents so that would be where they would be open to it. I do not think many teens around our area do meth, however, there are some kids in the bigger cities that do it. I think many adults would be surprised at the growing number of kids who do meth, not neccesarily in our area but the bigger areas.


As an adult, what percent of teens do you feel drink alcohol at least once a month?

Where do you think teens get alcohol?

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I am on a journey to reclaim the body that is under this exterior. I have tried many things in the past and no success. I have read much about this protocol and I believe this is a better step than having surgery.

In the Know

This is one of the several education tools Kossuth Connections Coalition uses to educate the adults of our community. Most adults have no real idea about the kids in their community......these teens will share what really goes on with the teens of our rural community.