Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Where do most kids get their alcohol?

Can you describe where and how most kids get alcohol?

Is it easy to get?

Do kids ever fail at finding alcohol if they want to drink?

Where is most alcohol consumed? (Parents house - no parent there; Parent house - parent there; Friends living on their own...older teen/early 20; Cars; Abandon farms/homes; other...)

1 comment:

  1. Most kids get alcohol from older friends because their older friends understand how there is nothing really to do in smaller communities but drink. It is almost too easy to get because everybody has their "connections". Kids very rarely fail at finding alcohol because they normally have more than one source or friends that have other buyers to get it. Many kids find abandon farm places because they are not in town and harder for cops to find. Also many kids will have parties if their parents aren't home because there are no other places to go. But mostly kids will booze cruise becasue they don't want to get caught at a party or something.
    All in all kids will find a place to party no matter what circumstances they have to go to if they really want to party.


As an adult, what percent of teens do you feel drink alcohol at least once a month?

Where do you think teens get alcohol?

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I am on a journey to reclaim the body that is under this exterior. I have tried many things in the past and no success. I have read much about this protocol and I believe this is a better step than having surgery.

In the Know

This is one of the several education tools Kossuth Connections Coalition uses to educate the adults of our community. Most adults have no real idea about the kids in their community......these teens will share what really goes on with the teens of our rural community.